I've decided to participate in NaBloPoMo (national blog posting month) this year to try to get into the habit of posting more frequently. I found out that national blog posting month occurs every month, but I first ran across it last November while reading Norma's blog. She has since gone on to the laudable goal of posting every day for a year, but I'll start small. Apparently November is a good month in which to participate, since there are prizes. Prizes are always good.
I tend to post when I want to update my knitting progress or commemorate special occasions, which is fine, but perhaps this will get me to stretch more and actually write more often. My plan is to avoid getting to the point where the blog entry resembles my elementary school diary, "I went to school. I did my work. I came home." Succinct, but not very enlightening.
November is a dreary month,
Only manageable due to beautiful autumn colors,
Very special family birthdays, and
Everyone getting together to
Make lasting memories
Before we run out of time.
Enjoy life;
Really live each day.
Coming along for the ride? Leave me a comment now and then.