The great thing about knitting is that you can put something away for a few weeks years, get it out and finish it, and no one knows the history. I guess if it was some trendy pattern or fad of the moment it would be different, but in this case it isn't.
On January 1, 2008, I cast on a sweater as part of a Knitalong with my then (and now sadly closed) LYS, Village Yarn and Tea. We ordered a bunch of Peace Fleece yarn into the shop, everyone chose colors, and we started the Everyday Cardigan.
I didn't get very far on my sweater. At that time I was having trouble with my purling. It was too loose so the stockinette fabric didn't look smooth, it had obvious lines of looser knitting in it. I ripped it out and tried again using some type of combination knitting, but it still looked funny. So into the plastic bag went my red yarn and the first page of the pattern.
Lately I've been obsessed with sweater knitting, so I determined to get that yarn out and make it into something. I've also been trying to use up some of my stash, but somehow everytime I cast on something with a yarn I have I buy a sweater's worth (or two...Miss Babs was on sale!). But the stash isn't growing as fast as it would if I hadn't started something, right? Anyway, back to the story.
I looked at tons of patterns and decided to make a new pattern from Knitty, a plain raglan cardigan with some shaping. Of course, after I thought about it for awhile, I decided that I don't really like raglans, so back to the drawing board. I eventually decided to make the cardigan that I had started all those years ago, even though it's just plain and boxy. It should be nice to wear as a casual sweater and the yarn is fairly heavy and will be warm.
I cast on the new sweater yesterday and I'm alternating the plain knitting with the more involved sweater knitting that I cast on the day before. The blue one is the sweater I don't think I have enough yarn for, but I'm working on that problem.
So hopefully I'll have two new sweaters within the next couple of months and then I can start obsessing about the next one.
In the meantime, I'm going to cast on the January Mystery Sock in the Ravelry Sock Knitters' Anonymous group as soon as I can find some suitable semi-solid yarn. Why is it that no matter how much yarn you have, you never can find the perfect skein you want? I guess that's what keeps yarn stores in business.
On January 1, 2008, I cast on a sweater as part of a Knitalong with my then (and now sadly closed) LYS, Village Yarn and Tea. We ordered a bunch of Peace Fleece yarn into the shop, everyone chose colors, and we started the Everyday Cardigan.
I didn't get very far on my sweater. At that time I was having trouble with my purling. It was too loose so the stockinette fabric didn't look smooth, it had obvious lines of looser knitting in it. I ripped it out and tried again using some type of combination knitting, but it still looked funny. So into the plastic bag went my red yarn and the first page of the pattern.
Lately I've been obsessed with sweater knitting, so I determined to get that yarn out and make it into something. I've also been trying to use up some of my stash, but somehow everytime I cast on something with a yarn I have I buy a sweater's worth (or two...Miss Babs was on sale!). But the stash isn't growing as fast as it would if I hadn't started something, right? Anyway, back to the story.
I looked at tons of patterns and decided to make a new pattern from Knitty, a plain raglan cardigan with some shaping. Of course, after I thought about it for awhile, I decided that I don't really like raglans, so back to the drawing board. I eventually decided to make the cardigan that I had started all those years ago, even though it's just plain and boxy. It should be nice to wear as a casual sweater and the yarn is fairly heavy and will be warm.
I cast on the new sweater yesterday and I'm alternating the plain knitting with the more involved sweater knitting that I cast on the day before. The blue one is the sweater I don't think I have enough yarn for, but I'm working on that problem.
So hopefully I'll have two new sweaters within the next couple of months and then I can start obsessing about the next one.
In the meantime, I'm going to cast on the January Mystery Sock in the Ravelry Sock Knitters' Anonymous group as soon as I can find some suitable semi-solid yarn. Why is it that no matter how much yarn you have, you never can find the perfect skein you want? I guess that's what keeps yarn stores in business.
Can't wait to see the finished project.