Knitting and gardening have temporarily been interrupted to bring you this holiday adventure tale, courtesy of DH and the intrepid Buddy. Hope you enjoy it!
Ice Gator relaxing on the bench
Ice Gator hears some noise and heads to the frozen pool to hide
Ice Gator does his Apollo Ohno interpretation - Go for the Gold, Ice Gator!
While relaxing after skating, he hears the approach of an Alaskan beauty...hmmm
She doesn't notice Ice Gator
Careful now, just a little closer....
Ice Gator goes Ninja. Careful, Alaskan beauty! Look out!
Ice Gator makes his move! Gotcha!
I'll stash her for lunch later.
Back to my hideout across the frozen pool.
Slow going, but I'll make it. Wait! Is that Buddy the Wonder Dog?
It IS Buddy the Wonder Dog. Can I keep the frozen girl away from him?
Oh, no! Buddy sees the Alaskan beauty's predicament and readies himself for battle.
The Alaskan beauty is saved by Buddy the Wonder Dog. CHEERS!
It's all in a day's work for our hero, Buddy