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Showing posts from 2009

A Holiday Adventure

Knitting and gardening have temporarily been interrupted to bring you this holiday adventure tale, courtesy of DH and the intrepid Buddy.  Hope you enjoy it! ICE GATOR! Ice Gator relaxing on the bench Ice Gator hears some noise and heads to the frozen pool to hide Ice Gator does his Apollo Ohno interpretation - Go for the Gold, Ice Gator! While relaxing after skating, he hears the approach of an Alaskan beauty...hmmm She doesn't notice Ice Gator Careful now, just a little closer.... Ice Gator goes Ninja.  Careful, Alaskan beauty!  Look out! Ice Gator makes his move!  Gotcha! I'll stash her for lunch later. Back to my hideout across the frozen pool. Slow going, but I'll make it.  Wait!  Is that Buddy the Wonder Dog? It IS Buddy the Wonder Dog.  Can I keep the frozen girl away from him? Oh, no!  Buddy sees the Alaskan beauty's predicament and readies himself for battle. The Alaska...

A Matched Set

There just might be a few collections around my house.  Candles, martini glasses, menorahs, baskets, yarn, and fiber all seem to have plenty of company around here.  One of the other cupboards that is crowded is the mug shelf in the kitchen.  For years, we've collected coffee mugs from places we've been, and I enjoy the conversation that ensues when I use a selection of these for coffee at a dinner party. Ever since the Princess started college last fall, my desire was to get the last college mug so I could complete the set of the kids' schools.  For Chanukah, she brought me my coveted mug. Behold the story of our kids' higher education, as told through the mug collection. I love it.

Challah for the Choliday

Lucky us!  The Princess learned how to make homemade Challah a couple of weeks ago and treated us to a loaf or four when she came home. She and friend Ben were whirlwinds in the kitchen to a spectacular result.  We had the first loaf for dinner the first night of Chanukah, Ben took a loaf home to his family, and two more are in the freezer for our family last night of Chanukah dinner tomorrow. Here's a little photo journal of the Challah experience. Happy Holidays to you!


Since my whole post just disappeared, I'll try again!  My absence from the blog hasn't totally been out of laziness, but vacations!  In mid-October, DH and I flew to Florida, where we embarked on a week-long Caribbean cruise.  We left from Fort Lauderdale, stopped at Half Moon Cay, Grand Turk, Grand Cayman, and Costa Maya.  Without writing a whole travelogue, I'll hit the highlights with some photos.  Hopefully they will stay put this time! The ship was big: Are we having fun yet? Knitting was done On Grand Cayman, we went snorkeling from a 78 foot catamaran.  It was fun; the water was crystal clear and there were lots of colorful fish to see.On the way back, we stopped at a beach where rum punch was served by crew members in inner tubes! It doesn't get much more convenient than that! We had a couple of formal nights.  No photo of the Malabrigo shawl being worn, but here's a shot of it on our balcony. ...

In My Room.....

Once upon a time, there was a college boy who lived with us.  He went away to school, he traveled to Australia for a semester, then he returned to us for the summer.  The summer dragged on and on and his room got messier and messier. He finally found an apartment to move into, and moved from our house on September first.  Shortly thereafter, I claimed the room as my own.  It didn't start out much better than when he lived here. But the stuff I was moving in was much more exciting (at least to me) than the stuff that he'd moved out. After cleaning, carrying, storing, shopping, and arranging, my new yarn and fiber room was complete. I have a lot of my yarn displayed in these shoe organizers.  I know it's not the best way to keep the yarn clean and dust-free, but I love being able to look at it and touch it whenever I want to. Buddy likes to visit my room.  He has a blanket to sleep on in here now. I l...

We Interrupt our Regularly Scheduled Knitting Content

for a quick commercial message. We own a condo in Palm Desert, CA, which is available for vacation rentals.  It was previously listed on a vacation rental website, but we decided to take it off of there this year.  So I have started another blog which details all of the amenities of our condo and gives contact information. We have lots of availability for rental this winter, so please check it out and contact me if you are interested in a trip to the sunshine sometime during the upcoming cold season.  It's a great place to visit. There's a link in the sidebar, or use this one: Palm Desert retreat . Thanks for reading!

What I Learned at the Fair

Ever since we've lived in this house, we've gone to the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe, Washington most summers. When the kids were little, they'd go on the rides, we'd watch the pig races, look at animals, and of course eat lots of scones. As my interests evolved over the years, I've enjoyed looking at the displays of fresh produce, flavored vinegars, and flowers. I always love looking at the handmade quilts that are on display and the knitted items caught my eye the last couple of years. In reading blogs, I noticed that some people actually entered their knitting into the fair! Of course, people have to enter or there wouldn't be anything there to look at, but I always thought you had to be some kind of expert to enter. I was reading Yarn Pirate last year and she entered some handspun yarn and items knitted from her handspun into our own Evergreen State Fair (she lives an hour or so north of me.) Last year I was interested in seeing her work, so I made...