If you go by weeks, March 29th is 12 weeks since our surgery. We continue to feel good and do all we can to keep up our exercise and stave off the boredom of this endless, rainy winter. Pat got a contraption that lets him ride his bike in place and, after trying it in the garage, moved it to the patio so he can keep tabs on what's happening on the lake while riding. Much safer than actually riding on slippery and muddy roads with his new kidney! I've been greatly enjoying the yoga class and also have been doing my own little work out a couple of times a week with my weights. My energy is a lot better but I found out this week that if I walk 5 miles, avoiding a nap a couple of hours later is impossible. I can think of bigger problems to have... So I'm pretty close to turning this back into a knitting blog and hope that I will continue with more frequent posting than I did before this transplant became a reality. In that vein, I'll show you a li...
It's a good day when yarn comes in the mail....