A couple of days ago, Pat and I were talking about how long ago our surgery was. I was sure that the answer was 6 weeks. Since I'm always right 😉, I made him get out the calendar and count the weeks because he thought it was 7 this week. After counting several times, I admitted he was right. 7 weeks! That means the lifting restriction will be up next week for sure and I can get my weights out. It's funny, too, that now that I know we're farther along than I thought, I feel better. The light at the end of the tunnel of being an invalid is in view, so I can go back to feeling healthy. 😀 In honor of that, I walked to the post office and back this morning - about 4 miles. No marathon, but about double my usual distance. And it felt great! I've been doing some yoga, and plan to start back to class on Friday if there's room for me. I'm all signed up for March, too. The residual soreness around the main incision is s...
It's a good day when yarn comes in the mail....