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Showing posts from March, 2014


Yes, the title is a bit of a joke, as I am in sunny Palm Desert and their idea of a big storm is the wind blowing and the temperature dropping to a chilly 75F.  I've been here since January, my first official season as a "snowbird."  We are due to head back north to the Pacific Northwest in May.  Number One son is being married mid-May and we need to arrive ahead of the other kids to get the rooms furnished in the new house that I moved into right before leaving town.  DH and I will spend the summer getting things squared away there and landscaping done but for now we need to have appropriate sleeping places set up for the other kids who will be arriving to stay with us before the wedding. I've been knitting and spinning here, but kind of lost my mojo for a little while.  It's been warmer than usual and my winter knitting just didn't seem to interest me.  I did reconfigure a sweater that I made last summer, the Brynna cardigan .  I didn't like the wa...