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Showing posts from February, 2008

Keeping Up

Not that I am... There's been a lot of knitting-related goings on lately, but I haven't gotten around to writing them down. I am determined to keep up with my FO reporting, so here goes. I finished my Moderne Baby Blanket and have it packed up to go to afghans for Afghans . I also made two tiny pairs of socks out of leftover yarn and will tuck them into the box, too. It makes me happy to think about little Afghan babies wearing the same socks that I am. I hope they'll keep someone warm on a cold day. I also finished my Flower Basket shawl today. I'll have to take a better picture, but couldn't wait to get it documented. The colorful beach towel doesn't add to the look of the shawl, but it works for the blocking. The Alpaca with a Twist Baby Twist (purchased at The Loopy Ewe ) was great to work with, and I got through this pattern pretty easily. (I still have to concentrate pretty hard to keep my place in the chart no matter what tricks or markings I emp...

Reason Number 614

not to be sad when the kids leave for college. One day you will realize that there must be some extra shelves in someone's former closet that can, with some judicious rearranging of abandoned junk important stuff that might be needed someday, be used for yarn storage.

Charity, A Raffle, and another Finished Object

It is very heartwarming to belong to such a generous group as the Knitters. As I cruise blogland, I find more and more opportunities to be of help to others. I intersperse knitting for self and family with charity knitting and feel good about providing some warmth to someone in need as I learn new skills. I'd like to mention my Dishrag Tag teammate and blog buddy, Sarah-Hope, who is holding a raffle and giving away some great prizes to raise money for animal causes, something near and dear to her heart. Check out her blog and make a donation, if you can. Just a chance to look at her lovely Swallowtail Shawl makes the trip worthwhile! I've also recently heard about The Make it Right project and specifically The House that Yarn Built. If you can give up a skein of yarn or two, consider donating the money here and help build a house for Katrina victims. There's also a drawing going on for some cool yarny prizes. I finished my second pair of Fingerless Mitts for niece #2...