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Showing posts from August, 2017

Seven Months, going on Eight

Our seven month-iversary passed with no fanfare, which is good, since it means that nothing much was going wrong.  My doctor was concerned with my electrolyte balance, so she had me check that a couple of times and start drinking a supplement which is supposed to replenish electrolytes lost due to exercise.  I guess you do sweat during swimming but I don't know if that's the reason they're a little out of balance.  I made Pat take my lab report to the nephrologist who is the head of the transplant program at the UW and he thought everything looked fine for this stage.  I will take him at his word for the expert that he is and go on my merry way until the one year checkup in January. In family news, we had a visit from Mr. Hollywood and his GF earlier in the month.  It was so good to see them and, of course, the visit was much too short.  When they weren't sightseeing or entertaining, this was their favorite spot. So what else have I been doing? ...