After we successfully made it home, we got up bright and early the next day and left the house by 6:00 AM. We needed to be at the UWMC lab at 7:30 and we live an hour away not counting traffic and rain, of which there is always some. Pat had more appointments than I did, so I tagged along with him until I had to be somewhere else. We both supplied blood and urine samples, then went to the Cardiology Center, where he needed another Echocardiogram. When you're on the transplant list or being screened for the transplant, they want to make sure that the organ is going to a person who has other healthy systems; i.e., heart and lungs. So Pat has had CTs, ultrasounds, cardiograms, etc. every year and it was suddenly decided that since his last one was last spring, another one was necessary. They squeezed it into our busy schedule of appointments. It was interesting for me to watch (I don't think he could see anything) as the test is essentially an ultras...
It's a good day when yarn comes in the mail....