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Showing posts from February, 2013

Painting is Like Knitting, Only Not as Much Fun

We have a big house on the outskirts of Seattle, and have lived here since 1996.  Almost 17 years, three kids, and lots of storage space adds up to a nightmare to get ready to sell.  DH is running his business in California, so I am here trying to muddle through the job of getting rid of a bunch of stuff and then sprucing up what's left. Which brings me to painting.  When this house was born in 1952, it apparently had dark, varnished, woodwork (maybe mahogany).  Sometime between then and when we moved in, some brilliant person painted it all with shiny, grey paint.  Ever since we've been here, we've been trying to cover that paint with white.  If you've ever tried this, you'd know it isn't easy.  Well, maybe if you're a professional painter it would be, but I certainly am not.  And painting trim usually gets to be my job. At the moment, I'm trying again to cover a bunch of grey cabinets with white paint.  I painted some doors and touched ...

Madrona 2013!

I wasn't going to go this year.  No classes really thrilled me, I have more than enough yarn and fiber, and driving to Tacoma on a (likely) rainy day isn't the best thing in the world.  But then...... I looked at the vendor list again.  GothSocks wasn't going to be there, due to illness (so sorry), but I caught an update or two recently, so my stock was significantly replenished.  Most of the vendors are excellent, but I've visited their booths many times before.  What's that?  Jennie the potter, Jared Flood, Pygora goat fiber?  This changed everything! I called my intrepid fiber-show friend and with barely any arm-twisting, she agreed to accompany me on a field trip.  We drove down on Thursday morning, and just spent a couple of hours at the marketplace.  So fun! Our first stop was to see Jennie the Potter .  I had heard about her and seen photos of long lines of people waiting for her booth to open at places like Rhinebeck, but ...