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Showing posts from September, 2009

What I Learned at the Fair

Ever since we've lived in this house, we've gone to the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe, Washington most summers. When the kids were little, they'd go on the rides, we'd watch the pig races, look at animals, and of course eat lots of scones. As my interests evolved over the years, I've enjoyed looking at the displays of fresh produce, flavored vinegars, and flowers. I always love looking at the handmade quilts that are on display and the knitted items caught my eye the last couple of years. In reading blogs, I noticed that some people actually entered their knitting into the fair! Of course, people have to enter or there wouldn't be anything there to look at, but I always thought you had to be some kind of expert to enter. I was reading Yarn Pirate last year and she entered some handspun yarn and items knitted from her handspun into our own Evergreen State Fair (she lives an hour or so north of me.) Last year I was interested in seeing her work, so I made...

The Princess Goes To College

Yes, I'm way behind on posting again, but I'm trying to keep things in chronological order, so I must document the leaving of the Princess before moving on to other things. Way back in August, I went to the Sock Summit, I returned from the Sock Summit on Saturday, and we had a large graduation/going away party for the Princess on Sunday. Note: I wouldn't recommend organizing a big party when you're going to be out of town the days immediately before it is scheduled to occur. It is possible, but it isn't enjoyable. That being said, we had a wonderful time. The Princess has begun her college career at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, so we decided on a casino theme. We set up some card games and a little roulette wheel in the basement, but everyone stayed outside, since it was a nice day. Elvis came. We had balloons. Here's Ben filling them up with helium. We decorated and set up. A little kiss for Ma from a helper. We had food. The enchilada bar is w...