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Showing posts from May, 2009

A Quick Update

I'm continuing with my bad habit of not updating the blog very often, but that's all I'm going to say about that.  I got a new computer (yay for the iMac) and am slowly learning how to work everything that's different from my old PC.  I like it a lot, but definitely don't know all the ins and outs of it yet. On the knitting front, I finished a few things since last time.  My sister's late birthday present has been finished and given, so I can reveal it:  A shawl I based on the Snowdrop Lace scarf pattern, but made wider and longer so it would be a stole.  I used Knit Picks Bare merino/silk fingering weight yarn and I think it came out well. I also finished my Wollmeise Die Auster socks and like them a lot.  They're plain stockinette and were knit that way as an example of the colorway on the Wollmeiseaholics board on Ravelry.  Not many people have this color, since it was a Spring Fling gift last year, but I wanted to knit it up and this gave me a good reas...

Living in the Present Moment

I do yoga. I actually practice quite a bit of yoga, and have for some time. What's one of the first directions you get when the class starts? "Come into the present. Leave the past and future alone and just concentrate on the present moment." Sometimes I have trouble doing that, but for the most part, it's possible. So I can't figure out why I seem to totally be living in a different time period in the rest of my life. For example, I'm in a book club. It's existed for over five years, and we meet the last Tuesday of the month. Always have. Here's what happened at the end of April. I returned from my knitting extravaganza late Sunday night, April 26. Monday was my birthday and we went out to dinner. I know I mentioned book club a couple of times on Monday..."tomorrow is book club. Tomorrow I'll find out about etc. etc...." You get the picture. I knew it was tomorrow. Fast forward to tomorrow, Tuesday night. I'm sitting ...