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Showing posts from December, 2007


Alpaca with a Twist, Baby Twist from the Loopy Ewe . Zen String Serendipity in Morocco and Poseidon Yarn Pirate in Solstice and Icicle Need I say more?

Easy come, easy go

Well, it looks like my career working in a yarn and tea shop has ended as quickly as it began (that's right, so quickly I didn't even get a chance to blog about it.) I was in my favorite LYS a couple of weeks ago and noticed that they were pretty busy, and offered to help. (I'm such a good samaritan when the good deed involves being around yarn.) Anyway, I thought I could tag stuff or stock shelves, but I was asked "Do you want to work?" The owners are friends of mine and had faith, I guess, that I'd be able to figure out how to use a computer/cash register, measure and serve tea, and answer questions about yarn after not having worked in 20 years, so who was I to disagree? I made it clear that I didn't want to take hours from other people, and I started working at the beginning of December. It's been a lot of fun and I've learned so much (mostly that it's hard work being on your feet for 8 hours a day and trying to find things when you don...

Stalking the mailman

has taken on a whole new meaning for me. (And has given me the inspiration to blog after a quite lengthy hiatus.) I called my son to tell him to watch for a package I had sent, since it had gifts in it, including a couple of checks that he would want. He told me that he had lost a key to the mailbox, and one roommate who had already gone home for break had the other one. So his plan is to watch out the window for the mailman and run out and ask for the mail when he arrives. Sounds good to me, and definitely much easier than looking through the house for the key! I hope he can see the mailbox from inside, since it's supposed to snow today. This is one item that's in the box (modeled by the lovely and talented DH). Scott asked for convertible fingerless mitts, and Mom was happy to comply. Especially after hearing that he doesn't wear the hat I made for him last year, because wearing a "matching hat and scarf that your mom made" is not cool. Oh well, who was...