Here I go, just as I promised, documenting all knitting of 2008.
This scarf has a bit of a story, as I wasn't planning to make a scarf right now. I participated in ISE5 and volunteered to be an "angel" if needed. An angel knits a scarf for someone whose assigned partner falls down on the job for one reason or another and doesn't come through with a scarf. Anyway, an e-mail went out the other day calling for angels for three scarfless people. I've been fascinated with the book, 101 Designer One-Skein Wonders, and saw a scarf pattern in there that I wanted to try. I had enough yarn (Classic Elite Beatrice, bought on closeout from WEBS) so I decided to get going. It took me only one day to finish the scarf.
Waterfall Scarf, 3 skeins Classic Elite Beatrice yarn, Size 11 needles. I blocked it when I finished, which makes the "holes" show up more than in the photo in the book.
Anyway, back to the story. After I volunteered to make this for a scarfless participant, I was informed that there were enough previously volunteering angels, so I was off the hook. I now have a new scarf, have two skeins left to make fingerless mitts, and have my first 2008 FO documented. Pretty sweet.

Now I need to learn how to take more attractive photos.
This scarf has a bit of a story, as I wasn't planning to make a scarf right now. I participated in ISE5 and volunteered to be an "angel" if needed. An angel knits a scarf for someone whose assigned partner falls down on the job for one reason or another and doesn't come through with a scarf. Anyway, an e-mail went out the other day calling for angels for three scarfless people. I've been fascinated with the book, 101 Designer One-Skein Wonders, and saw a scarf pattern in there that I wanted to try. I had enough yarn (Classic Elite Beatrice, bought on closeout from WEBS) so I decided to get going. It took me only one day to finish the scarf.
Anyway, back to the story. After I volunteered to make this for a scarfless participant, I was informed that there were enough previously volunteering angels, so I was off the hook. I now have a new scarf, have two skeins left to make fingerless mitts, and have my first 2008 FO documented. Pretty sweet.
Now I need to learn how to take more attractive photos.
Kind of similar, right down to the WEBS sale, except YOU actually finished the scarf! That book is on my wish list; I like that pattern.
(I said we had similar tastes....)