Okay, okay, I know my oldest is 20, but how can it be possible that my baby is 17? Wasn't it just yesterday when I looked like this
and then you looked like this?
You always had the most amazing hair. You had more hair than most babies, more hair than most two year olds, and lots more hair than most three year olds.
And then there was the talent! The lovely bunny ballerina who decided that dancing wasn't her thing;
the little girl who played the huge piano (and who still plays very well, even after deciding not to pursue it seriously.)
The sports have always been important. Soccer from first grade, basketball from second grade.
We went to a lot of games!
It's been great fun watching you play, grow, and change. Buddy was mascot for awhile.
You and your "twin" had lots of fun playing last year.
And we can't forget the year of the track champions.
You girls were fast!
Marching band has taken you around Seattle, to Victoria, BC and this year will be Ireland. The St. Patrick's Day parade in Dublin. It doesn't get much better than that. You would have to pick a bass drum to carry....
No matter how much they bug or tease you, you're proud of your big bros. We celebrated when they made it through high school! You're next - just one more year.
Going to dances? Waiting up for kids to come home is getting harder and harder, but you sure look pretty when you go out.
You are sweet, smart, fun, talented, and beautiful. We are lucky and blessed to have you in our lives. Happy Birthday, Baby. We love you lots.

The sports have always been important. Soccer from first grade, basketball from second grade.
We went to a lot of games!

You and your "twin" had lots of fun playing last year.

Marching band has taken you around Seattle, to Victoria, BC and this year will be Ireland. The St. Patrick's Day parade in Dublin. It doesn't get much better than that. You would have to pick a bass drum to carry....

You are sweet, smart, fun, talented, and beautiful. We are lucky and blessed to have you in our lives. Happy Birthday, Baby. We love you lots.

through all the fights, the dinners we both ruined by arguing (she always started it, it was usually me who ended it tho)i love u rae and im so proud of you!!! everyone is always saying things like "look how much you've grown!" and "wow, you look so old!" i never really thought i was getting any older or my sister, but wow you're 17 now and already looking at colleges! that blows me away. make sure you make a good choice rae, you have an outstanding work ethic (sometimes ha!) and i know u will do great in college. im proud of all the friends you made, the sports awards you won and through it all you stayed just as cute as that picture of the little girl with curly hair (even though you eventually lost the curls). i know we've had our scuffles and arguments but im really proud your my sister and love you to death. i am also extremely excited, because if louie wasn't going to be my brother in law, mosich would definitely be my next choice!
i love you rae and happy birthday!!!!