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The Race Begins

Dishrag Tag has officially begun. I drove home this afternoon, saw the mail carrier leaving our house, and found not one but TWO boxes in the mailbox! One was my dishrag tag relay box, and one was yarn I bought earlier in the week at The Loopy Ewe.And inside the boxes, I found goodies. The first box held a dishrag from our fearless leader, Emily, two balls of cotton yarn, a recipe for shortbread, and two cute little gingerbread-man (person?) cookie cutters.

Of course, beautiful sock yarn was in the other box: GypsyKnits, Melon Patch colorway, and Cider Moon Flurry in the Midnight Special colorway. The third beautiful skein is my July sock club yarn from Zen String, Harmony in a colorway for spring called Dragonfly. That arrived yesterday. It's been a good week!

Of course, I immediately had to begin making my dishcloth for the relay so I can get the box in the mail tomorrow. I chose the yellow/orange yarn and made a simple pattern so I could finish quickly. Here it is drying in preparation for mailing off to Sarah-Hope in California tomorrow.
In other KAL news, Mystery Stole 3 is coming along slowly but surely. Today was the big reveal of the theme, Swan Lake, along with Clue 5. Since I'm barely a quarter of the way into Clue 4, it's going to be awhile (or maybe never) before I'm caught up. Here's how it looked at the end of Clue 3. I can see a mistake way back in the Clue 2 portion, but I'm just going to say, "nobody's perfect" and continue on my merry way. I don't think it's too bad for my first major lace project. I'm finding it to be good exercise for my brain, since I really have to concentrate in order to have any chance of ending each row with the correct number of stitches. And I've learned it's deadly to start thinking that things are going well - the next row is guaranteed to have too many or two few stitches!

It's time to bring the garden into this "Knittinggarden" blog: The dahlias are starting to bloom, the garlic's been harvested, and tomatoes are starting to look good. We picked the first crop of raspberries a couple of weeks ago and are waiting for the next one. Laura really liked the raspberries and she helped me pick enough to make a pie. It was good!

I grew two kinds of garlic this year (but never remember to write down the varieties). One was ready before the other, and is already dried, trimmed, and in baskets. The other, larger variety is about ready to be cut off the stalks and stored. It's fun to braid the garlic, but these are both hard-necked varieties and they don't braid. They keep longer than the soft-necked and that's why I like them.


CathyCate said…
If it's a good day when yarn comes in the mail, it must have been an AWESOME day yesterday!
Wow, speedy work on that lovely dishcloth! Yay, Laurie Team Captain! Go, Cotton Commandoes!

OK, there are a lot of exclamation points in this comment. What can I say? I'm excited!

MS3 looks great, by the way. I'm planning on un-shortening my fingering-weight stole as I think it wasn't too long after all. So I need to reknit part of clue 4 anyway. And I'm working on a second stole in off-white laceweight, which hopefully will look like yours when it grows up; but I'm just done with clue 1 with that, and I think I'll wait till I finish the main stole now to get very far, as I want to see the "wing" in person before I decide what to do with the laceweight stole. I will 'wing' it (har, har!) for my fingering weight black stole and see what I think! This is wild knitting, eh?
Anonymous said…
Marcia Louise, Your heart must have beat in triple time seeing those boxes on your doorstep. AND a job well done on the dishrag, it looks great!!!! High Five and a great big HUG to our AWESOME Team Captain!

So many wonderful projects to knit, so little time for doing them. LOVE the MS3. I have been dutifully keeping track of yours and Cathycate's progress. Just stunning.....mistake?....what mistake....

The sock yarn is yummy....makes me have itchy fingers. My very tactile nature so wants to feel the yarn slipping through my fingers with needles in hand.

Please check your email, left address for you.
Anonymous said…
I have my eyes peeled for the box! (And I love the color you chose for knitting up my cloth!) My size 8 needles are ready to go and I have a fast (but full-sized) pattern all picked out.

Your MS3 is absolutely beautiful. If there's a mistake, i certainly don't see it. The white yarn is so airy and the pattern shows up nicely.
Anonymous said…
Hi Laurie!!!

I'm Laura. It's been a while since I talked to you, but I emailed Rachel and those emails are for you too!!

How are you?? Is the summer ok?? My summer is being very good, the local fiestas started on Saturday a they'll last till the next Saturday. They are being very funny!!!

The Canarian island were too tons of fun!! and I got more tan!!

I hope you all are enjoying the summer,



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