We had a great weekend that continued through Monday! We had a super time with family members visiting from Boston and Las Vegas on Saturday, I participated in a tribute to a beloved music director from our Temple on Sunday, and yesterday we visited College/Working Boy and brought him some items he needs for his new rental house on the other side of the mountains.
And, there was a box of yarn from The Loopy Ewe in the mailbox when we got home!
On Saturday, we had a wonderful time visiting with cousins we rarely see, since they had the nerve to move far away from the Seattle area. It's great now that baby K is walking; ever notice how a get-together turns into a "show" when there's a baby, puppy, or kitten as the center of attention? That's how it was, but everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. Baby K really liked the chocolate cake!
Sunday was a tribute to Samuel Goldfarb, music director of the Temple our family belonged to when I was growing up. My sister and I joined the choir reunion group along with our mom, and we all participated in the program. It ended up being a lot of fun, and we saw people and sang songs we hadn't thought of or heard in years.
Yesterday, we loaded up stuffed the station wagon with some of the requested items College/Working Boy asked for. Little Sis drove us smoothly over the mountains after her half-day of school, so we got a relatively early start. We arrived in Ellensburg around 1:00 and found the cute little rental house where WB will be living for the next year. We unloaded all the stuff and drove to pick up the bed and tv he bought from another college student who was moving out. While Dear Husband and WB picked up the furniture, LS and I shopped. We intended to buy some cleaning supplies and a mattress pad, but also managed to fill a shopping cart with some of WB's favorite foods (mostly healthy!)
We got back to the house, WB went off to work and we finished setting up his new bed and making it with new sheets and his old, familiar comforter from home. He had a cozy place to sleep last night!
Here we are in front of his new home:
After we finished our work at the house, we visited WB at his job; cooking at a deli. We had to see with our own eyes (and taste with our own mouths) just how this was going. I can remember him cooking once at home when it wasn't food for himself. Anyway, we each had a different menu item (no one had taco salad, since we were advised that it was the hardest thing to make) and were pleased with the result. We enjoyed our early meal, and the extra time visiting with our boy in his work surroundings.
Anyone for some fries?
We dropped by the college bookstore to pick up some gear for LS, then straight home to the mailbox. Beautiful Lorna's Laces
and Cherry Tree Hill's new Sockittome were in the box. There
seemed to be a color theme with this order - I guess lighter colors for summertime knitting (not that I can guarantee starting to knit with these yarns anytime soon.)
I did get some knitting done on the car trip, though. I worked on squares for the
Greensburg afghan project and got one finished and another started.
I tried an experiment and found that if I wear my stretchy wrist things that I got for seasickness on a cruise, I don't get queasy while knitting in the car! Hallelujah!